I came home from my exchange program from UTAS in Aug 2007. I then had one big and one small box of "stuff" that Kjell shipped home for me. I managed to empty most of it, but as always, the small box was left with things I had planned to sort out later.
That later became today (15th of July, 2010) hahaha
It’s definitely been an emotional clear-out. There where things in there that made me laugh (such as an envelop full of old receipts (I hoard receipts, I’m seeing a therapist for it haha), notes from friends that I lived with, photos etc) and also thing that made me a bit sad (brochures from trips we did, invitation cards to different social happenings and all the fun we had which I miss, love letters etc). And also, it reminded me of what a good life I lived whilst living in Launceston. Sure, Uni was tough at moments, but we managed to balance Uni and social life really well. (One night in particularly comes to mind… hehe… twister night with a power yoga twist LOL!!!!!) Remember that night Tim ;) I certainly did get to know Ash really really REALLY well that night hahahaha :D
It’s definitely been an emotional clear-out. There where things in there that made me laugh (such as an envelop full of old receipts (I hoard receipts, I’m seeing a therapist for it haha), notes from friends that I lived with, photos etc) and also thing that made me a bit sad (brochures from trips we did, invitation cards to different social happenings and all the fun we had which I miss, love letters etc). And also, it reminded me of what a good life I lived whilst living in Launceston. Sure, Uni was tough at moments, but we managed to balance Uni and social life really well. (One night in particularly comes to mind… hehe… twister night with a power yoga twist LOL!!!!!) Remember that night Tim ;) I certainly did get to know Ash really really REALLY well that night hahahaha :D
(I know Tim checks my blog every now and then,
the reason why I’m writing this post in English)
Well, the small box is now emptied and sorted. I've put the UTAS-stuff in the same box as the MAH-stuff (along with a few other things I just couldn’t get rid of haha) and now I need a break, an emotional break that is!!
Well, the small box is now emptied and sorted. I've put the UTAS-stuff in the same box as the MAH-stuff (along with a few other things I just couldn’t get rid of haha) and now I need a break, an emotional break that is!!
To my friends down under
Within my book of memories,
are special thoughts of you.
And all the many nice things
you often say and do -
As I turn the pages,
and recall each single thought,
I realize the happiness
that knowing you has brought.
There are memories of the times we've shared
both bright and sunny days.
There are memories of your kindness
and your friendly thoughtful ways.
There are memories of all those notes,
we would write back and forth,
When we would just get together,
and talk of this or that.
And when I recall these memories
as I go along life's way,
I find they grow more precious still
with every passing day.
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